palioxis publishing

Black on white top view of book with cover shaped as curved, reversing spear with tip on top forming the "P" of PALIOXIS lettering below.



This section contains short references. For more information on any of the titles, please click on their book plates. To read excerpts go here.



Light blue background, black & red writing, graphic of centered white daisy flower.Philosophy of Happiness

by Martin Janello



hardcover edition, gloss laminated, casebound,

size 9 x 6 US inches, 15.2 x 22.9 cm

1000 pages, creme stock

ISBN 978-0-9910649-0-8


A work of original philosophy. Written as a theoretical and practical examination, it explores what happiness is and how we may build it.





               PDF e-book edition,Light blue background, tri-furcated white frame, black & red writing, graphic of centered white daisy flower and quarter sections in corners.

               5.34 x 8.5 US inches,

               13.57 x 21.60 cm,

               1001 pages,

   ISBN 978-0-9910649-1-5


also available in KINDLE

ISBN 978-0-9910649-2-2



ISBN 978-0-9910649-3-9







The book is also available in a two-volume gloss laminate paperback edition:


Light cocoa brown background, black & red writing, graphic of centered white daisy flower.Part OnePale covered green background, black & red writing, graphic of centered white daisy flower.

trim size:

6 x 9 US inches

15.2 x 22.9 cm

384 pages, creme stock

ISBN 978-0-9910649-8-4


Part Two

trim size:

6 x 9 US inches

15.2 x 22.9 cm

624 pages, creme stock

ISBN 978-0-9910649-9-1






As an introduction into the subject matters of Philosophy of Happiness, Palioxis has published an illustrated article authored by Martin Janello:


Light blue background, black writing, graphic of large, centered, white daisy flower.PHILOSOPHY OF HAPPINESS:


Kindle e-book

8.5 x 11 U.S. inches,

21.59 x 27.94 cm

60 pages

ISBN 978-0-9983020-0-3

For more information,

go to here.









As a companion to Philosophy of Happiness, Palioxis has issued a collection of related essays authored by Martin Janello:


PHILOSOPHIC REFLECTIONSGraphic of white daisy on tri-color (blue, green brown) square surrounded by light yellow.

PDF e-book

5.34 x 8.5 U.S. inches,

13.57 x 21.60 cm

 41 pages

ISBN 978-0-9910649-4-6

 For more information, to view the contents, and to download this e-book free of charge

go to here.









Palioxis has further released the Knowing series, comprising six collections of quotes and poems by Martin Janello pertaining to themes of the Philosophy of Happiness book. For more information on these titles and to sample their content, go to here.


Green and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white star with a green rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on apricot background. Red and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white star with a red rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on pink background.

Live Knowing Life

Paperback: 226 pages, creme stock

5.25 x 8 US inches, 13.335 x 20.32 cm

ISBN 978-0-9910649-6-0

Kindle: ISBN 978-0-9983020-2-7


Paperback: 226 pages, creme stock

5.25 x 8 US inches, 13.335 x 20.32 cm

ISBN 978-0-9910649-7-7

Kindle: ISBN 978-0-9983020-3-4

Yellow and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white star with a yellow rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on purple background. Blue and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white star with a blue rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on grey background.


Paperback: 226 pages, creme stock

5.25 x 8 US inches, 13.335 x 20.32 cm

ISBN 978-0-9910649-5-3

Kindle: ISBN 978-0-9983020-6-5


Paperback: 226 pages, creme stock

5.25 x 8 US inches, 13.335 x 20.32 cm

ISBN 978-0-9983020-4-1

Kindle: ISBN 978-0-9983020-7-2

Yellow and white title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a yellow rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on midnight blue background. Black and white title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a yellow rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on yellow background.

Climb Knowing Aim

Paperback: 226 pages, creme stock

5.25 x 8 US inches, 13.335 x 20.32 cm

ISBN 978-0-9983020-5-8

Kindle: ISBN 978-0-9983020-8-9

Knowing Won't Let Darkness Reign

Paperback: 226 pages, creme stock

5.25 x 8 US inches, 13.335 x 20.32 cm

ISBN 978-0-9983020-1-0

Kindle: ISBN 978-0-9983020-9-6

 © 2013-2025 BY MARTIN JANELLO

Capitalized paint brush type lettering in various fresh greens on white sign. "Philosophy For Us All" is the motto of Palioxis Publishing.